
Thrive & Flourish

Transcend is not an emergency service so if you’re in an emergency situation or need immediate assistance, contact mental health services or call emergency services on 000.


Provides free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 – 25 and their families and friends. If you’re based in Australia and going through a tough time, eheadspace can help.

The Rainbow Door
1800 729 367
10am — 5pm (7 days)

Rainbow Door is a free specialist LGBTIQA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Gender Diverse, Intersex, Queer, Asexual, BrotherBoys, SisterGirls) helpline providing information, support, and referral to all LGBTIQA+ Victorians, their friends and family during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

Switchboard Victoria
Switchboard is the Victorian partner in the national telephone and web counselling, information and referral service QLife. This free peer based service is for LGBTIQA+ identifying people and those who have questions or concerns about LGBTIQA+ issues. This includes families, friends, teachers and coworkers of LGBTIQA+ people. This service is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health.

1800 184 527
3pm — 12am (7 days)

Beyond Blue
1300 22 4636

Parentline (QLD & NT) 
1300 30 1300
8am — 10pm (7 days)

Parentline (NSW)
1300 1300 52
9am — 9pm (Monday — Friday)
4pm — 9pm (Weekends)

Parentline (ACT) 
(02) 6287 3833
9am — 5pm (Monday — Friday, except public holidays)

Parent Helpline (SA) 
1300 364 100
24 hours (7 days)

Parentline (TAS) 
1300 808 178
24 hours (7 days)

Parentline (VIC) 
13 22 89
8am — 12am (7 days, including public holidays)

Ngala Parenting Line (WA)
08 9368 9368 (metro)
1800 111 546 (regional)
8am — 8pm (7 days)

Family Violence Services

Emergency (Police, Fire, Ambulance)
000 (24 hours, 7 days)

If you are in danger call 000 now.

1800 737 732 (24 hours, 7 days)

Confidential and free information, counselling and support for those experiencing sexual assault or domestic and family violence or abuse. Information is also available for those supporting someone who is experiencing violence and abuse. Online chat available 24/7.

1800 811 811 (24 hours)

Domestic Violence Helpline.

The Rainbow Door
1800 729 367
10am — 5pm (7 days)

LGBTIQA+ Family violence support that understands our community.

Respect Victoria
Respect Victoria are the dedicated organisation for the prevention of family violence and violence against women in Victoria.

Another Closet
Domestic & Family Violence and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer People (LGBTIQ).

LGBTQ DV Awareness Foundation
Supporting LGBTQ victims and survivors of domestic violence and abuse through awareness, education and breaking down barriers to accessing help.

If you need to speak to someone urgently, call Lifeline 13 11 14 or Kids Helpline 1800 551 800.