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Welcome. We are glad you have found us.
Transcend Australia is a leading national charity and community led organisation that works with families, parents and caregivers of trans, gender diverse and non-binary young people.
We are a well respected and credible organisation that has supported thousands of Australian families for over a decade. We provide non-judgmental, compassionate and evidence based information and support.
We were founded by a parent who has walked in your shoes. Rebekah Robertson OAM, the mother of Georgie Stone OAM, recognised years ago from her own personal experience that having access to quality evidence based information and peer support can transform a family and help people overcome and transcend any challenge.
Transcend Australia is here to serve you and to help your family feel connected to the right information and support. We are here to meet you where you are at, to hold and support you so that your young person can experience the best out of life. We want your young person and your whole family to thrive and flourish.