Transcend Australia provides programs and services for families, parents and caregivers located anywhere in Australia.

Services & Additional Supports ↓


We offer non-judgemental, compassionate and evidence based information and support services to any family member who may have a trans, gender diverse or non-binary child or (trans) young person. We recognise that trans people can affirm their gender during adolescence, but also in adulthood. If you are a parent or family member of an adult trans child, you are also welcome to access our services.

We recognise that you may also need to reach out for support to better understand if your child has a diverse gender experience. You are welcome to reach out for support, information and education about how to best support your child.

Transcend Australia provides the following programs and services:

  • Individual direct family support via telehealth.
  • Online group based family support programs.
  • In person group based family support programs.
  • Peer support activities and secure online knowledge hub.
  • Education and training programs.
  • Trans youth engagement and advocacy programs.
  • Social events and activities for families and trans young people.

To access services, every service user needs to book a confidential intake and assessment appointment with a Transcend Australia staff member. Appointments are available during business hours, Monday to Friday.

Our Privacy Policy is available here.

Resources and Education

We provide a range of tools and activities to raise awareness and promote understanding about trans lived experiences, care and referral pathways, gender affirming care and service provision, etc. These include: 

  • Fact Sheets and Guides 
  • Training and Education Activities 
  • Webinar series 
  • Youth Leadership Program 
  • Parents Advocacy Program 

Additional Supports

Transcend Australia is not a crisis service. 

If you or a loved one is experiencing extreme distress, please dial 000. 

If you or a loved one is experiencing extreme distress please contact a professional via these supports.

Beyond Blue↗︎
Suicide Call Back Service↗︎
Kids Helpline↗︎

Please fill in the form to register for services and to receive your appointment booking link.

Stay up to date with all our latest news, campaigns, achievements and resources.