Financial contributions are the lifeline of the services and activities that we provide. We are grateful for any donations and contributions from our supporters.

Celebrate & Support Through Giving ↓

Making a Financial Donation

Transcend Australia Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee. We hold Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status and Charity Tax Concession (TCC) certification from the ATO. 

Financial contributions are the lifeline of the services and activities that we provide. We are grateful for any donations and contributions from our supporters, and all are directed to running our services and support our operations. Our regular donors make a big difference to the sustainability of our operations, they allow us to dream big and increase the sustainability of our services.  

We also rely on grants and corporate funding to sustain our team. 

When making a donation, you will receive a Tax Deductible receipt.  

If you prefer to make an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), please email us at and we will send you all the relevant information and process to make sure we can send you a receipt for your records. 

Make a One-Off Donation


Become a Regular Donor


Other Ways to Contribute to Our Work & Impact ↓

Are you a family, parent or carer seeking information or support?

You can contribute to Transcend Australia’s work and impact in a number of ways.