For Trans People

Thrive & Flourish

Thank you for being who you are. It doesn’t matter where you are at on your journey or how old you are, you deserve to thrive and flourish.

Thank you for being who you are. It doesn’t matter where you are at on your journey or how old you are, you deserve to thrive and flourish.

Trans, gender diverse and non-binary (trans) people have existed for thousands of years and we have been a part of every culture and community across the world. We may have different understandings of the gender diverse experience or use different language to describe that experience which can be informed by multiple aspects of our identities, family structures, histories and cultural backgrounds.

However you describe yourself or experience your own gender is very personal. No one experience is the same as another. Some people may also continue to grow and change in their lives, this is completely okay. There is no pressure to be fixed into one place or identity for an entire life. It is healthy to continually reflect on who we are and to make decisions that feel right for our needs and goals.

Safety and belonging are important factors for all people, particularly trans people. Trans people do better in life when we feel a sense of safety and belonging. We do better in life when we have timely access to gender affirming healthcare, a positive social peer group, safe education and employment environments and family support.

We know from the research available that trans people can face extra challenges in life, compared to the general population. This is not because someone is trans, it is because of the way trans people are treated by others or the systems we engage with are not always accessible or safe.

Transcend Australia works to advocate for improvements in services and systems for trans people and their families.

We also know that there are incredible trans stories of joy, success, happiness, creativity, achievement and value. Trans people are valuable. Trans people exist in communities everywhere. Trans people are parents, teachers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, gardeners, artists, truck drivers, actors, neighbours, students, travellers, singers, dancers, daughters, sons, cousins, writers, builders and more. Trans people are worthy of love, dignity, respect and equality.

It can help to learn more about trans stories, to feel a sense of connection and belonging. To understand we have shared experiences and individual journeys.

Access Resources

Families, Parents & Carers

We are here to provide evidence based information and support to all families. Trans, gender diverse, non-binary and gender questioning children, adolescents and young people

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Young People

All trans, gender diverse, non-binary and questioning young people deserve to be safe, respected, loved and celebrated. All trans, gender diverse, non-binary, and questioning young

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Healthcare Providers

Caring and educated healthcare professionals, are vital to ensure that trans young people achieve better health outcomes. Find medical support in your state or territory

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